
The Blog:


Switching to a Big Kid Bed

Switching to a Big Kid Bed

One of the most common questions I get asked as a baby sleep consultant is, “When should we move him into a big kid bed?” My favorite answer to this is, “Later,” and there are a couple of reasons why I say that. Number one

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Getting Your Partner Involved

Getting Your Partner Involved

At the risk of generalizing here, it’s been my experience that there’s usually one parent who handles the bulk of the nighttime responsibilities. And that parent, in a man/woman relationship, is almost always Mom. Now, before you go accusing me of sexism of stereotyping, I’d

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Why Should I Hire a Sleep Consultant?

Why Should I Hire a Sleep Consultant?

“With all of the information that’s readily available online, and the resources you have at your disposal in the form of friends and family who have managed to get their kids to sleep, why would you want to invite a stranger into your home to

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How to Drop to One Nap

How to Drop to One Nap

One of the nicest transitions I experienced with my first born was when we decided to consolidate his two short daytime naps into one big one, right in the middle of the day. I can’t deny it, I loved the time off in the middle

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